Yes, I'll have some videos, and pictures, & some new shit I like every now & then . But Sorry Kiddos - this blog wont be about "what's hot, or new, or instyle" . It wont be center on celebrities & new shit coming out, because honestly I could give less of a fuck . This blog will be centered around my thoughts, my poems, my wishes, my dreams, and my escapes .

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
All together worthy,
All together wonderful to me

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


shit's pretty good .
people going crazy cuz Its wayne .
it's not that serious
Its decent .
Listen for yourself

my soul has returned.

..... inhale . exhale. peace of mind

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It Feels Like . .


. . . will you ever know ?

real shit .

Find someone that can make you smile;
and don't give up on them. ♥♥♥

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tattoos Last Forever.

So, bloggers .
Im thinking about getting "MRC XIV" on my inner bottom lip.
MRC = Marcus Ramone Cooper . (google him)
XIV = Fourteen In Roman Numerals
04-05-o5 (the first day I saw Marcus)
Get it?
See, it actually symobolizes something special .
Im 95% sure Im going to get it.
Don't tell me Im stupid.
Your stupid.
Im just fucking inlove.
Hmmm, That's all for now.

Kindergarten Crushes.

3:30 on a rainy thursday.
Time for class, fucking yuck.
I pile into the ferguson building.
Im high, and hungry.
The elevator takes weeks.
He stands next to me.
Electricty runs through my veins.
He smells like Tommy Hilfiger.
He Dresses Like A King
DING. The Elevator's Here.
I'm melting in his presence.
Can't we stay here forever?
I want to speak.
I want to say HELLO.
I can do nothing.
Someone texts him.
He looks down at the phone and smiles.
I'd give anything to make him smile like that.
I'd wear a fucking clown suit and suck on a lollipop
just to make him smile like that.
HISTORY CLASS seems to only last minutes .
He walks out, looking like ZEUS himself.
Smh. . If Only He Knew
I doubt he'll ever . .